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Pennsylvania Choose Life Inc.
2125 Bustard Road
Lansdale, PA 19446
Contact: Clark Griffith
Email: Clark@PAChoose-Life.org
Phone: (610) 222-4530
Fax: (610) 222-4531

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Welcome to Pennsylvania Choose Life, Inc.

Membership for PA Choose Life is $58.00 for the first year. The membership fee includes the PA Choose Life License Plate. After covering the costs incurred from the Department of Transportation for the manufacture of the plates the rest of the $58.00 fee will go directly to charities supporting pro-life causes and women in crisis pregnancies in Pennsylvania.  

We would ask that you renew your $20.00 membership fee each year at the time of your vehicle registration. PA Choose Life will send you a reminder separately from your PennDot Registration. Your annual support will continue to fund the charities in the years after you have received your PA Choose Life specialty plate.

Download License Plate Instructions

Download License Plate Application

BACKGROUND: The volume of unexpected and often unwanted pregnancies in this country has been a continuous problem for years. Evidence of this is apparent in the sheer volume of pregnancies terminated annually.

A recent national survey among teenage girls reported that 82% believe their unmarried peers should offer their babies for adoption if they don't feel they can handle raising a child. For teens and older women alike such a decision can be not only difficult, but expensive.

The financial costs associated with a full term pregnancy are often too extreme for some women to bear. Many non-profit organizations and volunteers across the State of Pennsylvania offer assistance to these women in their time of need. Assistance includes such things as maternity clothing, food, housing, medical expenses and transportation. If a woman chooses to bring a child into this world and offer her baby for adoption, she deserves all of the assistance and caring we can provide.

The majority of revenues generated from "Choose Life" license plates would service two easily identifiable needs in Pennsylvania. Foremost it would provide much needed revenue to continue assistance to pregnant women who are planning to offer their child for adoption and it would provide financial assistance to agencies involved in the adoption and counseling efforts.

The Choose Life plate may be purchased for any automobile or trailer.

Revised: 2023

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